Is your car a vital asset that is worth protecting in an auto body repair? It costs you a good investment for an auto body repair shop to ensure that it is in the right condition. Like any other vehicle you own, your car is prone to damage due to a car accident. Some of the damages may make a car dysfunctional. Others may not immediately affect the car's functionality if they remain unattended. To avoid such inconveniences, repair your car immediately if an issue requires attention.
Moreover, a good auto body shop can help do the right repairs. Knowing the different types of auto body repair is necessary to help you make the right decision. The knowledge helps avoid nervousness when you find your car is damaged. Besides, you also make the right decision whether you take it to a car body shop or your mechanic.
What are the Types of Auto Body Repair
- Paintless Dent Repair
It is one of the most advanced types of auto body repair that has brought a great impact on the industry. This is the best repair type when a car body gets a dent, but the paintwork is not affected. That means paintless dent removal is the best option in this situation.
Furthermore, your mechanic uses the tools to tap away from the car body dent when paintless dent repair is done. Afterward, you can expect your car to attain its new look.
- Bumper replacements
The back and front bumpers are the most affected parts during a car accident. It mostly happens if the accident involves a collision. In this case, the bumpers get damaged that require to be replaced. A reputable car body shop helps order and replaces the bumper with the one that suits your car model.
- Body Filler
Body filling is the best option to restore a car for more severe car body issues. The mechanic will apply the body filler which is material added to the car dent surface. It is the best type of repairs option when the dent is big. With that being said, the body filler gets smoothened with a smooth line over the dented surface.
Moreover, when the body filler dries completely, the area is painted to look like the rest of the car body. As a result, your car body does not look like it had any dents.
- Car Body Painting
It is a common type of auto body repair. The repair is done to protect the outside part of the car. The body painting helps protect it from weathering, or it can be for cosmetic purposes. During an accident, your car may get a deep scratch or direct damage on the outside part after a collision.
- Car Collision Repair
A car accident may involve a collision. It may include several fixes necessary to enhance the durability and functionality of your car. A collision can occur anytime, and most people ignore the damages when they seem minor. It is good to have a car body shop assess the damage and repair it to avoid further problems. They involve working on the damaged frame or other car body parts.
- Window Repair and Replacement
Window damage is one of the most common problems car owners may face. The damage may come in different shapes and sizes. Besides, the damage can result from various causes. Some of their major causes include hailstorms, dust storms, or collisions. It is the type of auto body repair that repairs the window or replacement when extremely damaged.
At Wades Auto Collision, we offer comprehensive auto body repair services, from repairing minor dings and dents to restoring your entire vehicle from pre-accident condition. So, if you've had an accident, been through a storm, or want to freshen up your vehicle's look, we are here to help get you back on the road!
Our experts will provide you peace of mind with fast and reliable auto body repair services for everyone. For more information, visit our website, and feel free to contact us today at 319-377-9233.